// WBSuperAdCarousel.action v3.0 - July, 2008 // Copyright © 1999 by Walter Blady // All rights reserved var SACW3C = document.getElementById ? true : false; var SACisNav4 = navigator.appName.indexOf("Netscape") >= 0 && parseInt(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)) == 4; var SACisIE4 = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE 4") >= 0; function WBSuperAdCarousel(action) { if (SACVersion() && action[3] != "" || action[4] != 0) { try { SACSize1(); } catch (errorCode) { var mess = "SuperAdCarousel can not find the SACAd.js file.\n"; mess += "You must link the SACAd.js file, inside your site folder, to this page." alert(mess); return; } if (action[3] != "") { var adObject = SACGetObject(action[3]); adObject.type = "box"; } else if (action[4] != "") { if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") > 0 || SACW3C) { var adObject = document.images[action[4]]; } else { var adObject = parseInt(navigator.appVersion.charAt(0)) > 3 ? AGRFindImageObject(action[4],0) : document.images[action[4]]; } adObject.type = "image"; } adObject.adGroup = action[2]+1; adObject.loop = action[5]; adObject.action = action; adObject.display = SACDisplay; adObject.getad = SACGetAd; adObject.onmousedown = SACAdLinks; adObject.total = action[1] == 0 ? 3600 : 1440; for (var count = 1; eval("SACAd" + adObject.adGroup + "_" + count + "()").toLowerCase() != "end" && count <= adObject.total; count++) { } adObject.count = count - 1; adObject.getad(); if (adObject.ad != "") adObject.display(); } return; } function SACGetAd() { var thisDate = new Date(); var thisHour = thisDate.getHours(); var thisMin = thisDate.getMinutes(); var thisSec = thisDate.getSeconds(); if (this.action[1] == 0) { thisSec = (thisSec * thisMin) % this.count + 1; this.ad = eval("SACAd" + this.adGroup + "_" + thisSec + "()"); } else { thisMin = (thisMin * thisHour) % this.count + 1; this.ad = eval("SACAd" + this.adGroup + "_" + thisMin + "()"); } this.isswf = this.ad.indexOf("swf") > -1 ? true : false; if (this.isswf && (SACisNav4 || SACisIE4)) { for (var i = 1; i < this.count && this.isswf; i++) { thisSec += 1; if (thisSec > this.count) thisSec = 1; this.ad = eval("SACAd" + this.adGroup + "_" + thisSec + "()"); this.isswf = this.ad.indexOf("swf") > -1 ? true : false; if (this.isswf) this.ad = "" } } return; } function SACDisplay() { var size = eval("SACSize" + this.adGroup + "()"); this.url = SACAdURL; if (this.ad != "") { this.height = SACHeight == 0 ? SACdefaultHeight : SACHeight; this.width = SACWidth == 0 ? SACdefaultWidth : SACWidth; if (this.type == "box") { if (!this.isswf) { var html = ""; this.isswf = false; } else if (this.isswf) { var html = ' '; html += ' '; html += ' '; html += ''; html += ' '; html += ''; this.isswf = true; } if (document.getElementById) { this.innerHTML = html; } else if (document.all) { if (this.isswf) { this.exposure = 0; } else { this.innerHTML = ""; this.innerHTML = html; } } else if (document.layers) { if (this.isswf) { this.exposure = 0; } else { this.clip.width = this.width; this.clip.height = this.height; this.background.src = this.ad; } } } else if (this.type == "image") { this.src = this.ad; } } return; } function SACGetObject(objName) { var params; if (document.getElementById) { params = eval("document.getElementById('" + objName + "')"); } else if (document.all) { params = eval("document.all." + objName); } else if (document.layers) { params = SACFindLayerObject(objName, 0); } return params; } function SACFindLayerObject(layer, thisLayer) { if (thisLayer) { var thisDocument = thisLayer.document; } else { var thisDocument = document; } var layerObj = thisDocument[layer]; if (layerObj) { return layerObj; } else { for (var i = 0; i < thisDocument.layers.length; i++) { layerObj = SACFindLayerObject(layer, thisDocument.layers[i]); if (layerObj) { break; } } } return layerObj; } function SACFindImageObject(baseImage, thisLayer) { if (thisLayer) { var thisDocument = thisLayer.document; } else { var thisDocument = document; } var imageObj = thisDocument[baseImage]; if (imageObj) { return imageObj; } else { for (var i = 0; i < thisDocument.layers.length; i++) { imageObj = SACFindImageObject(baseImage, thisDocument.layers[i]); if (imageObj) { break; } } } return imageObj; } function SACAdLinks() { if (this.url != "") { var params; if (this.action[6] == "") { window.location.href = this.url; } else { if (this.action[6].toLowerCase().indexOf("blank") != -1) { var params = ""; var top = ""; var left = ""; if (this.action[18] == 1) { top = this.action[9] <= screen.availHeight ? this.action[19] : 0; left = this.action[8] <= screen.availWidth ? this.action[20] : 0; } else if (this.action[18] == 2) { top = Math.round(screen.availHeight-this.action[9])/2; left = Math.round(screen.availWidth-this.action[8])/2; } var newWidth = ""; var newHeight = ""; if (this.action[7] == 1) { newWidth = (this.action[8] <= screen.availWidth) ? this.action[8] : screen.availWidth; newHeight = (this.action[9] <= screen.availHeight) ? this.action[9] : screen.availHeight; } else if (this.action[7] == 2) { newWidth = (this.action[8]*screen.availWidth/100 <= screen.availWidth) ? Math.round(this.action[8]*screen.availWidth/100) : screen.availWidth; newHeight = (this.action[9]*screen.availWidth/100 <= screen.availHeight) ? Math.round(this.action[9]*screen.availWidth/100) : screen.availHeight; } else if (this.action[7] == 3) { newWidth = screen.availWidth; newHeight = screen.availHeight; } params += "width=" + newWidth; params += ",height=" + newHeight; params += ",toolbar=" + (this.action[10] ? "1" : "0"); params += ",location=" + (this.action[11] ? "1" : "0"); params += ",directories=" + (this.action[12] ? "1" : "0"); params += ",status=" + (this.action[13] ? "1" : "0"); params += ",menubar=" + (this.action[14] ? "1" : "0"); params += ",favorites=" + (this.action[15] ? "1" : "0"); params += ",scrollbars=" + (this.action[16] ? "1" : "0"); params += ",resizable=" + (this.action[17] ? "1" : "0"); params += (SACW3C) ? ",top=" + top + ",left=" + left : ",screenY=" + top + ",screenX=" + left; var SACLNewWindow = window.open(this.url,"AGRNewWindow", params); return; } else { params = eval(this.action[6] + ".window.location"); params.href = this.url; } } } return; } function SACVersion() { return true; } //